Friday, September 21, 2012

Countdown to TM: Day 3...

Jeekers! Only Thursday... Friday... Saturday... MUDDERDAY!!!

Still weighing myself on mostly a daily basis... part out of habit, part out of interest...
For about the last month, I've been quite stable at around 80.8 - 81.5kg.
I haven't been concerned about my weight since I reached this level.
But is was very nice and quite surprising to wake up to a reading of 80.0kg on the scales this morn!

When I began training for TM at the start of the year, weight loss wasn't a goal.
I was training to be able to be fit enough to actually do TM in September.

In the past, I've tried to lose weight for various reasons (health, look better etc) but I wouldn't lose that much or I couldn't stick to whatever I was doing.
I've tried RPM classes, weight loss shakes, diets and various other exercise regimes with the goal of weight loss.
When I started training for TM, I was 91kg and in my weight tracking app on my iPhone.
I set my goal as 85kg and the target date as the 23rd of September.
85kg would mean I would be in the healthy BMI range, plus it was just a magical number I had often aimed for in the past.

But I'll say it again, I wasn't running to lose weight, I was running to get fit...
And guess what..?
I lost weight as a result of the running!  (big surprise???)   :)

Once I started getting better at running and feeling healthier, I modified my eating habits too.
Portion size has always been a weakness of mine, so it was just a matter of will power to cut back on the amount I would eat. Using smaller plates and bowls is always a great idea to help with this.
Fewer crappy snacks and keeping up good amounts of protein to help feel fuller longer.

And the weight kept coming off..!
It was sometime around mid-June that I hit 85kg.
I was over the moon at the time. :)
I'd finally hit that magic number...
And while it isn't a very accurate calculation, my BMI was finally under 25!
I was now considered to no longer be "overweight" by scientific standards.

And as the year continued... the runs continued... the distances grew longer... the pace increased...
By mid-August, I had dropped to 81kg!

It was the lightest I've been in... I have no idea!
I vaguely remember when I moved to Japan in February 2000, that I had often told a story of being 87kg upon arrival, but within two weeks I had dropped to 84kg. Change in diet and water resulted in about a week of diarrhoea.

So the furthest "weight" memory I have is 12 years ago and I am lighter than that now!
Not too bad for an old dog... ;)

Since January, I have taken four lots of progress photos of my front, side and back.
The results are quite remarkable...
Waist line has reduced...
Tummy isn't bulging out as much (there is still a stubborn layer over my rock hard abs though) :(
I'm not quite as bootylicious as before...
Legs have slimmed down a lot as well...

So post TM... what is going to happen?
Will I stop running? ...doubt it!
It's become a pseudo-addiction...
It all depends on what the next challenge is...
Maybe a half marathon..? Maybe a triathlon..?

Finished the day with another massage from Ceds from Core for Life.
Not as painful as the week before, but still plenty of tightness that needed loosening.

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