Thursday, July 13, 2006

My name is Evan Johnson B.Sc...

I found out this morning, that I passed my final subject for my Bachelor of Science...

I can sum up my feelings in two simple words...


From now on, please refer to me as Evan Johnson B.Sc.

It´s been 10 years in the making for that little piece of paper, that in the end, may be useless...
But we´ll see...

Please pass on the word...

Yours in high spirits...

Evan Johnson B.Sc.


Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS and thank God for that. At least you have something to show for all the time taken.

I'm very proud of you that you stuck to it inspite of the length of time and struggling to come back to it after such a long break. :))

Proud mother smile!

Anonymous said...

Congrats dude!! You're a role model for all (especially a certain Tim that will remain nameless!!)...hopefully it equates to money, money, money :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Happy Wanderers!
Your Mum has told me of your "at last " success. My most sincere congratulations on your B. Sc. Bet it feels fanbloodytastic to have that one under your belt or p'raps I should say, after your name. I'm in the throes of applying for my job and just in case I don't succeed, I've been signing everthing I can as V. Richardson, A/CNC! That is, for the unitiated, Acting Clinical Nurse Consultant.
How goes the travel? When you're in Nice do you plan on going to the Casino there and are you going to Monaco where the REAL players play? Might need your posh frocks for that one!! I'm off home in September and hope to meet a friend with, whom I started training in 1966, in London. Shopping is INCREDIBLY expensive but the history is the best. Anna said, when we were there 10 yrs. ago, "can't we go somewhere where there's NO FUCKING HISTORY! We Poms do history and pageantry best in the world and I LOVE IT. Well gotta go as it's Saturday Crossquiz time and I don't want Hellie to get too big a head start. Enjoy your travels and enjoy broadening your minds.
Much love as always,
Veronica Richardson, R.N, A/C.N.C.!

Anonymous said...

Ev Babay!

Congrats on the B.Sc.
Blood sweat and tears went into that one. Fantastic that you finally have it.. and now Japan is an easy step... you *know* you want to..